Wurlitzer Glossary

For those customers who are not familiar with the styles of some of the more popular Wurlitzer band organs, brief descriptions follow:

WURLITZER MILITARY BAND ORGAN "Style 103 - Carouselle Organ"
Features 55 wooden pipes. Weighs about 235 lbs. - has 41 keys and plays a style 125 band organ roll. This is the smallest size organ Wurlitzer produced which played the style 125 ten tune music roll. The case is oak veneered with front panels decorated with landscapes or flower designs.

WURLITZER MILITARY BAND ORGAN "Style 105 - Carouselle Organ"
Features 97 wooden pipes. Weighs about 500 lbs. - has 44 keys and plays a style 125 band organ roll. This size organ was popular with showmen who needed a small organ that was easy to transport. The case is oak veneer with the front decorated with enamel colors. A small organ with a beautiful sound.

WURLITZER MILITARY BAND ORGAN "Style 125 - Rink or Carouselle Organ"
Features 26 brass pipes and 75 wooden pipes. Weighs about 800 Ibs. - has 44 keys and plays a style 125 band organ roll. This type organ was frequently employed in small to medium size skating rinks in addition to amusement rides. A powerful little instrument with a full rich volume of brass tones. The case is oak veneered and the brass pipework is exposed.

WURLITZER MILITARY BAND ORGAN "Style 145 - Carouselle Organ"
Features 105 wooden pipes and 16 bell bars. Weights about 850 lbs. - has 51 keys and plays a style 150 band organ roll. Typical small merry-go-round organ. Very limited production. Some equipped with duplex tracker frames for continuous playing. Built in oak veneered case, finished natural with fancy white enamel carved front decorated with golf leaf, colors and landscapes.

WURLITZER MILITARY BAND ORGAN "Style 146 - Special Carouselle Organ"
Features 105 wooden pipes and 16 bell bars. Weighs about 900 Ibs. - has 51 keys and plays a style 150 band organ roll. Typical small merry-go-round organ for portable merry-go-rounds. The organ has a mellow tone and delightful bells. Organ front has fancy carved decoration enamel colors and hand painted insert panels.

WURLITZER MILITARY BAND ORGAN "Style 148 - Rink or Carouselle Organ"
Features 50 brass pipes and 77 wooden pipes. Weights about 1050 lbs. - has 49 keys and plays a style 150 band organ roll. A medium size organ for skating rinks and amusement rides. Similar in overall appearance to style 125, only larger. Different pipework and a different sound than a 125.

WURLITZER MILITARY BAND ORGAN "Style 153 - Duplex Orchestral Organ"
Features 164 wooden pipes and 16 bell bars. Weighs about 1300 lbs. - has 54 keys and plays a style 150 band organ roll. A medium size organ with automatic pipe register controls. Designed for three abreast Carouselles and open air dance pavilions." Has duplex tracker frames for continuous playing. Organ front heavily carved with scroll work and decorated with landscape and flower designs. A beautiful organ both in sound and appearance. Has that typical merry-go-round sound that we all love.

WURLITZER MILITARY BAND ORGAN "Style 165 - Duplex Orchestral Organ"
Features 256 wooden pipes and 22 bell bars. Weighs about 3000 lbs. - has 69 keys and plays a style 165 band organ roll. The largest generally available Wurlitzer band organ. Designed "For the largest type stationary Carouselles, roller coasters and other park installations. Used with great success in park dance pavilions." Equipped with duplex tracker frame and automatic pipe registers. Organ front is elaborately decorated, with heavily carved scroll work, enamel colors and raised panels, A beautiful and massive organ. Perhaps Wurlitzer's best.

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